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How many calories are burned walking 201 steps?

Ask anyone how many steps they had today and they'll know exactly what you mean. That's because in today's increasingly sedentary world, how many steps someone takes in any given day has become an important indicator of how active and physically fit they might be. And thanks to devices like smartphones, smart watches, and other fitness trackers, step tracking has become as easy as carrying or wearing a device and letting it track your activity automatically without giving it a second thought.

Of course, it's one thing to say you walked 201 steps, and it's quite another to know how many calories you burned doing so. Any guesses?

Based on an average stride length of 2.5 feet, body weight of 180 pounds, and a walking speed of 4 mph, 201 steps would burn approximately 10 calories.

While this can give a pretty good estimate for an average person, not everyone weighs the same or walks the same speed. Read on to view chart for different weights and walking/running speeds or calculate another amount.

Calories burned walking 201 steps at different speeds and body weights

Because calories burned is related to the time and intensity of your activity as well as your own physical characteristics, the amount above is just based on averages. In the chart below, you can get a better idea of how many calories you burned at a particular walking speed and body weight. Please keep in mind these are estimates as well; calculating calories burned is based on good scientific research but is an inexact science.

You may notice that sometimes walking at a slower pace burns more calories than walking at a faster pace. This isn't a mistake. Instead, it shows that you may burn slightly more calories by walking slower for longer instead of walking faster for less time.

< 2 mph2 mph2.5 mph3 mph3.5 mph4 mph4.5 mph5 mph
90 lbs55555566
95 lbs56555567
100 lbs66555577
105 lbs66556678
110 lbs67666678
115 lbs77666688
120 lbs77666689
125 lbs78667789
130 lbs78777799
135 lbs887777910
140 lbs887778910
145 lbs8987881010
150 lbs9988881011
155 lbs9988881011
160 lbs91088891111
165 lbs91098991112
170 lbs101099991112
175 lbs101199991213
180 lbs10119910101213
185 lbs111110910101213
190 lbs1111101010101314
195 lbs1112101010111314
200 lbs1212101011111314
205 lbs1212111011111415
210 lbs1213111111111415
215 lbs1213111111121415
220 lbs1313111112121516
225 lbs1314121112121516
230 lbs1314121212121516
235 lbs1414121212131617
240 lbs1415121213131617
245 lbs1415131213131618
250 lbs1415131313131718

Calories burned running 201 steps at different speeds and body weights

While most runners measure their distance in miles or kilometres, some may choose to measure it in steps.

4 mph5 mph6 mph7 mph8 mph9 mph10 mph11 mph12 mph13 mph14 mph
90 lbs66666666666
95 lbs67766666667
100 lbs67776666777
105 lbs78777677777
110 lbs78877777878
115 lbs78887777888
120 lbs89888788889
125 lbs89988888989
130 lbs89998888999
135 lbs91010998889910
140 lbs910109999910910
145 lbs91010109999101010
150 lbs1011111010999101011
155 lbs1011111110101010111011
160 lbs1011111110101010111111
165 lbs1112121111101010111112
170 lbs1112121211101111121112
175 lbs1113121211111111121212
180 lbs1213131211111111121213
185 lbs1213131312111212131213
190 lbs1214131312121212131213
195 lbs1314141312121212131314
200 lbs1314141413121313141314
205 lbs1315141413131313141315
210 lbs1415151413131313141415
215 lbs1415151514131313151415
220 lbs1416161514141414151416
225 lbs1516161514141414151516
230 lbs1516161615141414161516
235 lbs1517171615141515161517
240 lbs1617171615151515161617
245 lbs1618171716151515171617
250 lbs1618181716151616171618

Where this data came from

The estimates on this page come from MET, or metabolic equivalent, research. Put simply, one MET is defined as 1 kcal/kg/hour and is roughly equivalent to the energy cost of sitting quietly. Every activity has a MET associated with it based on the available research. In the example used at the top of this page, walking 4 MPH has a MET of 5.

To come up with an estimate of how many calories are burned walking a particular number of steps, you would use the following formula:

number of steps x step length / 5,280 / MPH x MET x weight in kg

In all of our examples, we rounded to the nearest whole calorie.

Explore step amounts similar to 201

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Calories burned in 200 steps Calories burned in 202 steps



The information on this page is intended to be an educational reference and is not to be taken as medical advice. If you think you're having a medical emergency, please call 911 immediately.

As seen in

New York Times

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